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APPG officers ask questions in Parliament following Government apology in Belhaj

In an unprecedented move, the Government today apologised for the UK's complicity in the rendition and mistreatment of Abduk-Hakim Belhaj and Fatima Boudchar. 

Government confirms steps to review use of closed court hearings

The Government has responded to a question from Ken Clarke about the five-year review of Closed Material Procedures (CMPs) under the Justice and Security Act 2013.

Ken Clarke welcomes High Court ruling in extraordinary rendition case

Ken Clarke has welcomed a recent High Court ruling ordering the disclosure of information gathered by police investigating the alleged involvement of British officials in a case of extraordinary rendition.

Scottish police investigation into 'torture flights' could continue until US hands over secret report

According to the Press and Journal, new comments from Scottish police throw light on the challenges facing their investigation into 'torture flights'. 

Supreme Court to hear ‘secret’ hearings challenge in Libya rendition case

Tomorrow, the Supreme Court is to hear a case challenging the use of powers to hold closed court hearings under the Justice and Security Act 2013 (JSA 2013). 

UK must monitor Trump’s detention policy: ISC

The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has called on the UK Government to keep a close eye on any changes in US policy, in light of President Trump’s statements in support of torture.