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Parliamentary Questions

on extraordinary rendition and related issues.

DateQuestioner to RespondentSubject
25 April 2017
Andrew Tyrie MP to Sir Alan Duncan MP
Were Diego Garcia flight records shared with any other departments or with any parliamentary committees?
10 March 2017
Lord Laird to Baroness Williams of Trafford
How many British citizens have received compensation after being detained at Guantanamo Bay?
30 January 2017
Steven Paterson MP to Michael Fallon MP
Will the Government ensure that NATO rules out the use of torture in all respects?
25 January 2017
Andrew Tyrie MP to The Prime Minister
Will the PM make clear to President Trump that in no circumstances will she permit Britain to be dragged into facilitating torture?
10 January 2017
Alistair Carmichael MP to Boris Johnson MP
Did the Foreign Secretary make clear that the UK would not share intelligence with the Trump administration if it is used for torture?
21 October 2016
Alistair Carmichael MP to Ben Wallace MP
On how many occasions has the Home Office delayed disclose information to the Intelligence and Security Committee under the Justice and Security Act?
21 October 2016
Alistair Carmichael MP to Ben Wallace MP
On how many occasions has the Home Office declined to disclose information to the Intelligence and Security Committee under the Justice and Security Act?
12 September 2016
Alistair Carmichael MP to Sir Alan Duncan MP
Has the Government refused any request for a US flight to land on Diego Garcia?
08 September 2016
Alistair Carmichael MP to Tobias Ellwood MP
Which document was it than an FCO Minister referred to as not having been received by the Intelligence and Security Committee by June 29th?
02 August 2016
Alistair Carmichael MP to Sir Alan Duncan MP
What is the status of the monthly log of flights which passed through Diego Garcia between January 2002 and January 2009?