Jagtar Singh Johal
If substantiated, the Jagtar Singh Johal case suggests that the agencies have been supplying information to third parties abroad to facilitate arbitrary detention and torture. It was in an attempt to bring an end to such shocking practices that the All Party Group on Extraordinary Rendition was created 17 years ago. And it is practices such as this about which the Intelligence and Security Committee has repeatedly expressed concern. Their efforts to get to the bottom of earlier allegations of facilitation in torture and extraordinary rendition were thwarted by successive governments. As a result, they closed down their inquiry in 2018.*
The Government’s own “Principles” on torture – designed to ensure that the UK is not involved in it - appear to have been breached.** Parliament and the public cannot have confidence that the UK is not involved in kidnap and torture.
Rt Hon. Sir Stephen Timms MP & Rt Hon. Lord Tyrie Chairs of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition
* The ISC concluded that “the terms and conditions imposed were such that we would be unable to conduct an authoritative Inquiry and produce a credible report”, “Detainee Mistreatment and Rendition: 2001–2010", HC 1113, 28 June 2018
** The Principles relating to the detention and interviewing of detainees overseas and the passing and receipt of intelligence relating to detainees, HM Government, July 2019
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