Publication of Detainee Inquiry torture report delayed at the last minute
The preliminary report of the Gibson Inquiry on the extent of British involvement in extraordinary rendition and possible mistreatment of detainees was to be published last week. However, the Government delayed its release last minute for reasons that are not entirely clear. More can be read here.
Detainee Inquiry preliminary report to be published this week
It reportedly concludes that UK intelligence officers knew of mistreatment of detainees at US-run detention facilities in Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay and Pakistan. The Gibson Inquiry report was delivered to the Prime Minister on 27 June 2012. More can be read here and here.
New Report Finds Medical Personnel Complicit in Torture of Detainees
The report, which was published by the Institute on Medicine as a Profession and the Open Society Foundations, accuses the US Government of directing medical personnel to ignore their professional code of ethics and collaborate in security practices that were detrimental to the detainees and constituted torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Ethics Abandoned can be read here. More can be read here.
Intelligence and Security Committee Holds First Open Evidence Session with Three Heads of UK Intelligence Agencies
The uncorrected transcript from the session, held on 7 November 2013, can be read here.
Parliament debates Oversight of the Intelligence and Security Services
The Westminster Hall debate on the Oversight of the Intelligence and Security Services, held on 31 October 2013, can be read here.
An Overview of the CIA Detention and Interrogation Report of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
A Senate Select Committee report describes the structure of its classified report on the US rendition programme. The rendition report is divided into three volumes:
Part I covers the History and Operation of the Detention and Interrogation Programme
Part 2 covers the Intelligence Acquired and CIA Representations on the Effectiveness of the CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
Part 3 covers the Detention and Interrogation of Detainees
More can be read here.