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All Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition House of Commons Press release Tuesday 26th June 2007 immediate release Following the debate in Westminster Hall this morning Andrew Tyrie said: Kim Howells’ wriggling to avoid saying anything that might be critical of the United States Administration on rendition was an embarrassment. He flatly refused to condemn the programme of the US Administration to transfer people to places where they might be subjected to torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. In his efforts to avoid criticising the US he found himself forced to dismiss the huge body of evidence that a US programme of extraordinary rendition exists. At one point he implied that those who give credence to that evidence are conspiracy theorists. The government is in a state of denial. Even the former Justice Minister, Harriet Harman, has acknowledged the legal loopholes that allow for rendition through UK territory. Yet the government refuse to take seriously the widespread concerns expressed about extraordinary rendition and the measures proposed by the All Party Parliamentary Group. This can give the public no confidence. Andrew Tyrie is Conservative MP for Chichester and Chairman and founder of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition. Mr Tyrie can be contacted on 0207 219 6371. His office email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The website of the All Party Group is

Created 2007-06-26
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As European parliament adopts rendition report, Andrew Tyrie MP urges US committees to probe UK and Europe’s role in torture flights  Andrew Tyrie MP said:  “The European Parliament’s adoption of the report on Extraordinary Rendition is the clearest signal yet that Europe is united in the view that extraordinary rendition is a bad policy, that is counter-productive and makes us less secure.   It shows the breadth of feeling that exists across Europe against the US practice of sending people for interrogation to countries where they may face torture.  It also shows that Europeans are not willing to tolerate their governments lending a helping hand, or turning a blind eye to this practice.   The pressure brought to bear by Labour MEPs to remove a sentence critical of Minister for Europe, Geoff Hoon makes a mockery of the UK’s promise to cooperate fully with investigations.   In a democracy, the truth always comes out in the end.   Today, I am writing to the Appropriations, Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Intelligence and Judiciary Committees in the US House and the Senate urging them to investigate extraordinary rendition, and the UK and Europe’s role in aiding the US in this repugnant practice.   If British and European governments do not want to face the embarrassing prospect of being shown by foreign committees to have kept the public in the dark about rendition, they had better come clean on what they know, and fast.”   Enc – copy of letter from Mr Tyrie to US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Relations.  Further letters to other Committees are available online at

Created 2007-02-14
Size 55 KB

Responding the news that German prosecutors have ordered the arrest of 13 suspected CIA agents over the alleged kidnapping of one of its citizens, Andrew Tyrie MP, Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition said:  ‘This announcement comes hot on the heels of renewed attempts to bring criminal proceedings in Italy, and the payment of £4.54 million to Maher Arar by the Canadian government. It is my view that every government that may be complicit in rendition needs to make their involvement public, and make clear what they are doing to bring these activities to an end.’  He concluded:  ‘The US cannot go around kidnapping people and transferring them to countries where they may be tortured, and not expect there to be consequences.  These legal challenges are inevitable.  As I have argued for over a year, it is inevitable that a large part of the truth will out, and that in some cases this will lead to criminal proceedings. The arrest warrants issued by Italy and Germany are just the beginning.  I expect to see many more.   Ends

Created 2007-01-31
Size 25.5 KB