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Category: APPG Letters
Number of Subcategories: 7
folder0 US Committees
Subcategories: 0
Files: 10

This folder contains correspondence between the APPG and U.S. Committees.

folder1 UK Committees
Subcategories: 0
Files: 37

This folder contains all correspondence between the APPG and U.K. Committees.

folder2 Other Correspondence
Subcategories: 0
Files: 39

This folder contains all other APPG Correspondence.

folder3 Ministry of Defense
Subcategories: 0
Files: 25

This folder contains all correspondence between the APPG and the Ministry of Defense.

folder4 Freedom of Information
Subcategories: 0
Files: 24

This folder contains all Freedom of Information Act correspondence not contained in the Foreign office or Ministry of Defense folders.

folder5 Foreign Office
Subcategories: 0
Files: 53

This folder contains all correspondence between the APPG and the Foreign Office.

folder6 Detainee Inquiry
Subcategories: 0
Files: 5

This folder contains all correspondence between the APPG and the Detainee Inquiry (the "Gibson Inquiry").